Halloween season is here. Which means its time to choose your favorite outfit. Though the year has been a bit of a roller coaster ride for all of us, we must not let these festivals go by without making the most of it. Here are some of the best DIY Halloween costumes for teenage girls that you guys are gonna adore. Also read – Halloween Costumes for Best friends.
The teenage phase is the most amazing phase of our life. It is that time when we are just learning new things when we are in a midway between completely legit adults and somewhere between a child. And, the best part is that there is so much excitement out there. From going to college to choosing new friends to get a new job so that you can earn your own money and so much more.
This teenage journey is an incredibly special journey. When you get a festival like Halloween, you get to make the best possible use of it so that you can have the most fun moments.
But, teenage is also kind of a struggle. Struggle to find your identity, struggle to fit in, and everything else. But, fun means happiness. And when you are able to smile through your problems not only do they disappear they rather run far far away from you. No matter how hard your life is, just cherish these special moments with your friends and family.
Make the best of Halloween with these awesome Halloween costumes for teenage girls.
DIY Halloween Costumes for Teenage Girls to make right away
Angel and Devil Costume
This costume will never get old. Its probably the most fancy and favorite combination ever. And, even making this costume requires hardly much effort. The devil horns can be easily purchased and similarly the angel halo can also be made at home with a wire and fur.
Construction Worker Halloween Costume
This costume doesn’t require much makeup. All you would need is that construction worker jacket. You can DIY this jacket at home. It will just be some orange and yellow dye to repaint your old jackets.
60s Retro Costume
60s was a fanciful and fabulous era. It was a time when fashion was at its peak. If you want you can recreate that era with some of these cute 60’s Halloween costumes.
Clover Cheerleader Costume
Cheerleader costumes will always and always be extremely popular. And that is because it is both chic and stylish. It has everything that you would want to make your halloween perfect.
Hydro Flask Costume
To make this costume you can take out print outs of the Hydro flask logo and stick it onto your clothes. Then just get a hydro flask bottle in the color of your T-shirt and your Halloween Costume is ready.
Share a coke group costume
This coke outfit is really popular and pretty easy to DIY. You can make a few coco-cola banners for you and your friends. You can paint it up in the color of a cola. Then you can write your name in the fashion the coco-cola logo is written. Finally, for the coke carat you can recreate that with some cardboard cut outs.
Girls from Holes Costume
Holes was a very popular movie. You can recreate the girls from Holes Halloween costumes and wear them with your girl gang. Its pretty easy to put it together You will need a normal sleeveless White T-Shirt and some pairs of Orange trousers. You can reuse the old milk bottles to hand it by your waist.
LifeGuard Halloween Costume
This is another costume that will always be really popular. To make this costume you can custom make Sleeveless White T-shirt with Life Guard written on them, or you can take a printable of the word lifeguard and stick it onto your sleeveless white tee. You’ll also need a whistle because whats a Lifeguard without his or her whistle.
Cheerleader Halloween Costume
Having played a lot of soccer with my classmates in my school days, I have always loved to play the role of a cheerleader. This costume is just the recreation of my childhood memories.
Social Media Logo Costumes
What is this day without Social media, right? Well. Absolutely nothing. So, let’s recreate the social media logos with some of our Halloween costumes.
Disney Games Group Costume
Disney Games are what have kept us busy and happy during our childhood days. We can always recreate that outfit if we want. To make this download the printable of Disney Games and stick ut onto a Blue and Yellow T-shirt.
MM Costume
Just like the colorful M&M stick together with each other, you and your friends will always stick together. So, make these colorful MM Costume. You can get an M&M printable from Internet and stick them onto your T-Shirts.
Incredibles Costume
Incredibles Costume is a super popular outfit that will be popular all through Halloween. You can download the printable for Incredibles online and then stick them onto red T-Shirts.
Halloween Burglars Costume
Burglar costume is a really funny and really creative Halloween costume. To recreate this outfit you need a black and white striped T-Shirt. Then for the hands, you will need gloves and for the eyes, you will need a mask of the sort.
Hershey’s Kisses Halloween Costume
Hershey’s Kisses Halloween costume is a super popular Halloween costume,e. To make this you will need to wear a silver costume and if you have any old stash they you can write Hershey’s and Kisses on that. It is an easy peasy outfit that you ought to wear.
Teen Girls Superhero Costume
These Teen Girls have dressed like the most popular superheroes of all time. From batman to spiderman to captain America these heroes are what we are growing up with. So, to make them you will simply need a T-Shirt with their logo.
Ninja Turtle Group Halloween Costume
I was a huge fan of Ninja Turtle as a child. In fact, I still am. And, given the chance, I would always want to be a Ninja Turtle at least for one day.
Mummy Costume
Mummy is as special for Halloween as Halloween itself. We can recreate that outfit at home. To make this you will need a white cloth and thats it.
Party Buckets Costume
If you and your friends are a party person then this costume is the right one for you. You choose to be one of the party buckets with beautiful bucket hanging around your waist.
Pooh and gang Halloween Costume
The pooh and his group has always been one of our favorite and probably the cutest cartoon shows. This Halloween lets recreate that outfit. To make it, just take a printable of Pooh and stick it onto a red T-shirt. For the tiger, you can stick some black fabric strips on an orange t-short and the rest two are pretty basic.
Sauce Costume for Girls
This is another crazy old costume that seems to have charmed all of us. These three sauce costumes are probably one of the best costumes ever. You can have so much fin making them and roaming around being a sauce on All Hallows Eve.
Big Little Reveal Costumes
Present Day versions of Disney Princess Costume
This sounds a bit fun and a little apt for Halloween. If those fairy tales were true and if those Disney Princess were alive today, then they would look something like this.
Money Heist Girls Group Costume
Money Heist group costume is surely something that you can try. After this show created a huge craze amongst us, I know we are head over heels for this show. So, you can always recreate this outfit for Halloween.
Alvin and Chipmunks
This is another popular costume that will never ever get old. You can easily get the printables for this costume and you can always DIY the ears. You will of course need some fabric and fur to make these ears.
Dwarfs Costume
If you haven’t got a big group of friends, then you can recreate your favorite dwarf depending on your personality trait and then wear that with your friends.
90s Pop Girls
Just like the 60s era, the 90s were another popular era that has been always persistent in our memories. I mean you ask anyone, they would tell you that 90s were surely the best time of the year. So, why not recreate that for the Best night of the year.
Candy Costumes
Who doesn’t love candies, right? So, think about it. Would you be interested in being a Candy for Halloween? So, choose your favorite candy. Whether you like the Reese’s cups or the Skittles or the Sneakers or the KitKat or the Twix Bars, there is a place for everyone when you choose to be candy for Halloween.
Pac Man girl gang
Pac Man has been a game that we loved as a kid, we grew up and then we became adults and we still like it. When I say – We – I mean, I and my group of friends. And, therefore just this idea of being a pac man for Halloween sounds incredibly amazing to us.
Netflix and Chill Costume
Netflix and chill costume is another super popular Halloween costume that you must give a try. It is never too late to sit back with your friends and enjoy some Netflix hours.
Fruits gang
I am not saying that you need to love fruits to wear this outfit. But, this sounds as a cute and sort of funny outfit for Halloween. You can obviously imagine how colorful it would be.
The Sun and Moon
Though we see the sun and moon every single day, but there is always something fun about wearing a Sun and Moon Halloween costume. Let you and your friend spread the sunniness and moonish charm on All Hallows Eve.
Pooh and Family Costume
You can never be too old to wear a pooh and his family costume. Whether you are wearing this outfit with your friends or your family, there is always a good time to put on this outfit.
Angel and Devil
The Angel and devil costume is another classic costume that is probably the most easiest choice for Halloween. In fact, it is very easy to put it together.
Care Bears Group Costume
The care bears group costume is a cute little costume for Halloween that is insanely cute. Nobody would want to miss a chance to be near these cute bears.
M & M Costume Girl Gang
Again the M&M Costume shall be the most popular Halloween Costume for this year. It has all that which you want. The color. The charm and the childlike innocence.
Salt and Pepper Costumes
This may be one of the most basic costumes, but is also one of the most popular costumes for Halloween. The reason is that it is very easy to put it together.
Bud Light Girl Costume
Recreate the logo of your favorite drinks with this costume. it is both fun, happening and really cute.
Monster Inc Costume
Though it has been almost 20 years since this film was released, but, we all love this till today. Don’t we? These are one of THE most popular Halloween costumes of all times.
Daphne and Velma Costume
Scooby-Doo, was another cartoon show that I loved a lot apart from Pokemon, Powerpuff girls, and The Mask. And, this costume seems like a perfect outfit for Halloween to me.
Cher and Dionne from Clueless
These two girls were like the soul of the film. And recreating this outfit seems like an excellent idea to me. One it is very easy to put together and second, it is definitely a cute Halloween outfit.
Three mice costume
This is another cute Halloween costume which is just so easy to put together. You can make the mice ears with some fabric and the facial decoration is really simple.
Boxers Costume
If you love boxers then this Halloween costume should also be something that you just gotta try. It is seriously amazing how easy and cute this outfit is.
Frat Boy Halloween Costume
You might have some kids in your class who are frat boys, it would be really fun to recreate their outfit for just one single day.
DIY Disney Princess Halloween Costumes
Disney princesses are someone who we have always adored and give the chance to be one of them, I wouldn’t let that go.
Cute Bunnies Costume
It may not be Easter, but, every day is a good day to be a cute bunny. Isn’t it? This cute little bunny outfit is surely something that you would want to try. It is really adorable.
Hershey’s Kisses Halloween Costume
Hershey’s Kisses are seriously delicious. And, getting to be one of the Hershey’s Kisses, I think is seriously fun and happening.
Alien Buddies Costume
Alien Costume, is seriously amazing. It is very easy to DIY this costume. You can look for some springs online or on shops and the stick that to some styrofoam balls. Then just paint them with some glitter paint and attach it to your hair band.
Sun and Moon Costume
To make this outfit you will need to make the crown for sun and the stars for the moon. The crown of the sun can be DIYed at home with thermocol or cardstock paper. For the stars, you can do the same. The outfits are plain and simple gold and silver.
fairly odd parents costume
This American animated sitcom has a huge fanbase. And if you are one of them, then this costume is just for you.
Spice Girls Costume
This pip group has been a heartthrob of the nation. If you have been a fan of this group, then it is time to make this outfit.
Carnival Costume
This cute carnival costume has been all-time popular. It is seriously gorgeous. And, what’s more is that it is insanely easy to out it all together.
Angel and Devil group of four
If you are a group of four and you still need to pull up this angel and devil costume, then there cannot be anything better than this.
Cheetah Friends Costume
This cheetah group looks fiercely phenomenal. You can use black and white paint to create the scary marks on the face and for the outfit, you can get animal print fabric and then make each dress for all of your friends.
Spongebob and Patrick costume
To make this costume, you will need to make these dresses. If you already got such colors then it is fine. Or else you can cut it out and give it this shape.
Four Seasons Costume
Four season costume is another classic group Halloween costume which can easily be DIYed. To make this costume you don’t even need too much off an effort. Just some artificial flowers that belong to each time of the year.
Day and Night costume
To make this Day and night costume, you need the flaming crown for the sun which can be made with cardstock paper. For the stars and moon, you can again use a cardstock paper.
Toddlers and Tiaras Costume
This is a crazy good costume which has always been famous. You can use some handmade tiaras or you can buy them online. This outfit is really good.
Teletubbies Costume
To make this costume you will again need some floral or mesh gown. You can choose these four colors the blue, green, yellow and red.
Powerpuff Girls Costume
These three girls were my complete childhood. I have spent my entire childhood watching them on TV, imitating them, and thinking about what it would be to be one of them just for one single day. Given the chance, I would definitely choose this costume.
Dalmations Costume
Dalmations 101 was one of my favorite movies of all time. If you like the movie and you like Dalmations then this outfit should be the right choice for you.
Cop and Prisoner Costume
To replicate this costume, you will obviously need a pair of thieves. For the thieves outfit you can either custom make one black and white striped costume or you can buy it online. For the Cop’s costume, you can wear a dark blue or navy blue rope and put on a dark blue cap.
Cat in the Hat Halloween Costume
To make this costume, you can download the Thing 1 and Thing 2 Printables online and then stick onto your black dress. The hat can be easily purchased online. Or you can even make it at home with some red and white card stock paper.
Mario and Luigi Halloween Costume
To make this costume, first, you will need floral gowns, Then you will need one red and one green top. For the mustache, you can make them at home like the way you make for Father’s Day.
Dating App Halloween Costume
Nowadays Dating apps are being really popular. So rather than going to town on Social media apps you can recreate dating app logos and make them your Halloween costumes.
That’s a wrap! I hope you enjoyed looking through these DIY Halloween Costumes for Teenage girls. I am sure you must have chosen your favorite outfit by now.